The Porpoises have many Purposes. The chief among them is to bring Humanity into Earth’s natural higher frequencies, and therefore to enter the Multiverse, as enlightened beings. As such, the prime directive for all Porpoises is to shift our paradigm to the Offbeat. The secondary directive is based in each Porpoise Tribe’s specific calling.
Also worth note, is that all Porpoises, from every rank, would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Peoples of Earth, for all the wonderful, tasty Fish.
What are the Medical Porpoises Purposes? To serve the Medical Purposes of the Earth, and all of mammalian life. All mammals owe our very existence to Cannabis. Our Endocannabinoid System rules over our central nervous system, and without Cannabis, we are deprived of our essence and genetic heritage.
All Cannabis use is Medical, whether or not it’s realized. Just as vitamins and minerals bolster our health, so too does cannabis, whether we’re consciously aware of it or not. Cannabis use takes us to the higher plane, and makes us more Offbeat. Use cannabis, “Four Medical Porpoises”.
Tee Shirts
V-Neck Tee Shirts

Cropped Tee Shirts

Tank Tops

Jersey Style 3/4 Sleeve Shirts

Long Sleeve Shirts



Skater Dress

Sports Bras

One-Piece Swimsuit


11 oz. & 15 oz.

11 oz. Matte Black Magic Mugs

Back Packs

Fanny Packs

Tote Bags

Cell Phone Cases
